Friday, June 8, 2007

Awarding of the First Flippish Hen!!

Hens lay eggs. Blog readers leave comments. Sometimes these offspring develop a life of their own, and other times they just get scrambled.

Introducing the Flippish Hen! This is an award that will be given periodically to the Flippish Blog's best commenter. It can be awarded for a single comment that is particularly insightful or entertaining, or for showing a consistently high acumen for commenting.

The first Flippish Hen is awarded to Daniel, for being among my most frequent and most entertaining commenters. No nepotism here, folks - B-dot's commenting record speaks for itself.

So plug in your wit-sharpener (or turn the crank if yours is the older style) and start fightin' your way to Hen-worthy commenting supremacy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mmmmmm... hen... Melissa, we're eating well tonight!

Well, my work here is done. I work 'til I'm recognized, and then I move along.

Please donate the cash prize to People for the Unethical Treatment of People for the Ethical Treatment of Anything.