Wednesday, May 30, 2007


I'm reaching the point of being bored silly, since I'm still expected to show up at work. All that's really left for me to do is to transition my work to other people, but they haven't decided who whose people are yet.

Fortunately, there's a Woot-off today over at Woot, which you'll find in my permanent links, is a site that normally sells one item a day until it's sold out. The price is usually good, and the $5 flat shipping for everything from a plush monkey to a 62" Projection TV is outstanding.

During a Woot-off, a new item is posted after the previous one sells out. The fun goes on for hours, sometimes days. Get your credit card ready for some impulse-buys!

Oh, and watch for the infamous Bag of Crap - usually a part of every Woot-off. The BOC contains three random items. Usually worthless (e.g. mousepad, etc), but occasionally they'll throw in something expensive. Most Wooters consider it $6 well-spent.


Anonymous said...

"Whose" really means "those"

Flipper said...

Finally! I might have to hide a spelling mistake in every post, just to make sure I get some comments.