Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Milestone #27B: Teeth!

Last night, Rachel noticed that Seth's first tooth can be easily felt starting to jut through his gum. It's his lower left, and it's sharp! This is the beginning of a slippery slope -- in a few weeks, he'll be crawling; next month he'll be walking, and by the end of the year he'll be asking if he can stay out late with the kids that have noserings.

Cutting teeth, as it turns out, isn't so pleasant for the kid. Which is understandable, seeing as how he's got a sharp piece of bone trying to poke its way through his gum. I don't quite understand why congestion is a side effect of this process, but he's producing plenty of snot. The fact that he despises having his nose wiped doesn't help matters. He's still very good natured and it's interesting to watch him go from giggly to fussy and back again in the span of a minute or two because of the discomfort.

His food repertoire now includes banana, pear, sweet potato, and rice cereal, in addition to formula. Another tooth or two, and we'll try steak.

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