Thursday, May 10, 2007

Taking after Daddy...

Seeing as I now have more time on my hands... (see entry below)

The update on Seth is that he's as much fun as ever. He's really into eating solids now. The repertoire includes sweet potatoes and bananas, and pears are next. We're making all of it ourselves, which seems to impress people -- but it's remarkably easy. For most foods, the recipe is: Cut into pieces, Boil until mushy, Puree. (For bananas, only the final step is needed.) It's much less complicated than, for instance, cooking dinner for ourselves.

Last night, after a bottle and a hearty serving of bananas, Seth was in a great mood. We discovered that shaking his blue elephant rattle in front of him generated a hearty laugh. We kept it up -- "shake, shake shake" "heehee!! heehee!" -- until one of his giggles coincided with a spit-up. The result? Milk out the nose! It was hilarious, although he was a little startled by the new sensation.

Tomorrow night he's due to attend his second baseball game at RFK stadium.

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