Friday, May 25, 2007

Infinite Monkeys!

If you aren't familiar with the Infinite Monkey Theorem, it's the scientific concept that a metaphorical monkey seated at a typewriter, with infinite time, would eventually reproduce the works of Shakespeare. Or alternately, that an infinite number of monkeys with typewriters would immediately reproduce the works of Shakespeare. Nevermind that the amount of time (or monkeys) required to produce Hamlet alone would be approximately 1,000 orders-of-magnitude more than the number of seconds that have elapsed since the Big Bang. That's the beauty of Infinity, folks.

So anyway, I was wondering... if you could somehow assemble 100 of the greatest minds in the world, without ever teaching them a single postulate of modern science... how many of our common scientific laws/theories/etc. would they reproduce? How many would they disprove?


Anonymous said...

As one of the World's 100 greatest minds, yet possessing almost no scientific knowledge, I am willing to be a subject of this experiment (provided the grant money is exorbitant and that we are given unlimited - infitinite, if you will - supplies of scotch).

Anonymous said...

You really have too much time on your hands!!!!