Thursday, May 17, 2007

"Singin' in the crib..."

Evidently, Seth likes to celebrate milestones at odd hours. You may recall that he celebrated his 5-month "birthday" by waking up and wanting to party. He decided that his first tooth warranted a similar celebration.

He started singing around 4:30 AM and didn't let up. For the most part, he wasn't upset -- although he welcomed a bottle at 5:15. After he finished, he went back into his crib and picked up with Act II of his performance.

His first tooth is just beginning to poke through. It's sharp enough to inflict some pain with his bite. If it wasn't so tough to get him to pose with his mouth open, I'd post a picture!


Anonymous said...

So he sang for an hour but never hit any notes that required him to show his gums. I thought about questioning the reasonableness of that combination of assertions, but I believe it. With all due respect to Seth's mommy, I hope that he's singing songs from your CD collection, and not hers.

Owen is sharing Seth's pain as he awaits a partner to his lonely tooth.

Anonymous said...

Shira used to sing in the morning too and sometimes Sam makes little happy noises just to let us know he's awake, but more often than not, we have to wake the kids to get them ready in the mornings. Your son must be very advanced - - no teeth for Sammy yet and he's 2 full months older! He's doing great with his solid foods now and it's so cute to watch him try to get Cheerios and puffs in his mouth. I'd say a good 15% of them actually make it into his mouth; the rest end up on the floor, stuck to his clothes or in his bib pocket - - those are the best since we can recyle them and reuse the Cheerios for his next feeding. :)