Friday, July 6, 2007

Udpates: Seeing and Swimming - and CRAWLING!

Today, I took the girly glasses back to Lenscrafters and exchanged them for a pair that might aptly be described as more "neutral." Fortunately, the frames that I chose were the same price as the last pair, so there was no cost. They do stand behind their 30-day guarantee.

Also today, I went to Toys-R-Us (where's the backwards R key?) and purchased a large, plastic kiddie pool to indulge Seth's enthusiasm for swimming. They were sold out of normal-sized kiddie pools, so I splurged ($13) and bought one large enough for Rachel and I to join The Boy while he swims laps.

While at T-Я-U (found it!), I also purchased... drumroll please... a baby gate. Why, you might ask, do we need a baby gate? Well, Seth came very close to crawling while we were in Israel, and finally proved himself yesterday afternoon. He was crawling back and forth on our queen size bed to get to various toys. Still haven't seen any sustained crawling over a distance on the floor, but I think he'll be ready for that within days.

Looks like our next adventure will be baby-proofing the house, now that he's mobile. Actually, I don't think baby-proofing is possible -- we'll be making the house "baby-resistant." The alternative, making the baby house-resistant, would require a good deal of foam rubber and duct tape, and probably wouldn't be very kind.

So far we've capped many of the electrical outlets, installed latches on the under-sink cabinets where various cleaning chemicals are stored, and installed the aforementioned baby gate. Probably the biggest and easiest change will be that Rachel and I will need to get into the habit of closing doors behind us -- for things like bathrooms, closets, utility room, etc. Got a while to go before he'll be reaching or turning doorknobs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just curious whether you had to give a reason for the returned frames.... "No longer cross-dressing"?