Monday, July 30, 2007

Miss me?

It's been a while since I've done much blogging. I apologize to my faithful readers. I was hoping that six degrees of wikipedia and the Thriller video would keep you entertained long enough for me to take a hiatus.

Truth is, there hasn't been a whole lot of excitement to report. I've been spending most of my time on the internet, playing games and reading blogs looking for jobs. Not much to report there, except that it's hard to find anything very exciting (to apply for!).

Seth has become fully mobile. He crawls like he's going for a land speed record and pulls up to stand against anything that's 12 to 18 inches tall - chairs, coffee tables, his stroller. Yesterday, we took him to a "family day" with the new moms' group (family day includes Dads too). There were probably 15 babies there with their parents, and Seth was the only one who is fully mobile. He spent much of the day crawling over other babies and stealing their toys. I wouldn't call him a bully because he doesn't seem to have mean intentions, but he can have a tendency to leave a pile of crying babies in his wake. He better be careful - when all those other babies start crawling and they're on equal footing, they might put out a bounty on him.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the numerous blog entries today! I think this makes up for the lack of entries since last Tuesday but does not excuse you from the rest of this week. I look forward to reading more entries soon!