Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Slurp Today!

Today is July eleventh -- also known as 7/11. In their annual tradition, today is the day that 7-Eleven stores give a free Slurpee, measuring 7.11 ounces if memory serves me correctly.

I tried to link to their site for validation of this deal, but both and have been taken over by promotions for, you guessed it, the Simpsons Movie.


Anonymous said...

As the resident slurpee expert at Flippish, I'd like to confirm that today, 7/11/07, is free slurpee day. If you actually create a login for, you can get confirmation by clicking "cool content." According to the site, today is 7-eleven's 80th birthday and participating sites will be giving away 7.11 oz slurpees.

I tried to independently confirm by visiting the location down the block just now, but their slurpee machine was broken! Act of terrorism? Vast, right-wing conspiracy? We may never know.

Incidentally, if you are willing to share your email address with, you can also print a buy one get one free slurpee coupon for use on another day.

Anonymous said...

Melissa, Owen and I ventured to 7-11 for slurpees on 7/11, but were actually oblivious to the promotion (notwithstanding an email reminder Melissa had received and our participation in years past). Neither Melissa nor I took advantage, instead opting for a larger-than-specimen-sized-but-more-expensive-than-free cup. Owen, however, was treated to his first ever Slurpee, and was thoroughly unimpressed. He did enjoy the straw for about a half-hour though.

Notably, the machine and the cups declared the product Squishees, in honor of promotion dollars associated with The Simpsons Movie.