Friday, March 28, 2008

Apology on behalf of Crackberry addicts

I never thought I'd become "one of them".

You know who I'm talking about; you see them everywhere. Walking down the sidewalk with Blackberry-in-hand. Or perhaps a blue-glowing minigadget dangling off the ear. (Techno-jewelry?) Better yet, my favorite - the combination of phone-in-hand, and so-called "hands-free" device on the ear. (Can someone please explain to me the benefit of "hands-free" when you're going to use your hand to hold the darn thing anyway???)

And yet, here I am, with a Crackberry and the reviled bluetooth headset. Oh, there are ways I can try to justify owning each -- the Blackberry for business trips (and to finagle an unlimited data package that I don't pay for), the headset because DC bans the use of hand-held phones will driving -- but the simple matter is, I gave in.

When I bought this stuff, I figured I could use it responsibly without becoming "one of them". I'd only use the headset in the privacy of my own car, or at home to free up both hands for kid-safety-situations while on the phone. But alas, I recently found myself punching out an email to my boss while walking down a busy sidewalk.

However, I can share one personal insight that might make "them" seem a little less evil. When we walk down the street, Blackberry in hand, and avoid eye contact with anyone: It's not because we think we're better than you. It's because we're too ashamed to actually look anyone in the eye while acting like such a tool.

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