Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Job update and other

I suppose that all of you fine folks are a little bit curious: Why does Flip blog so infrequently? What the heck* else does he have to do?

Well, you bring up a good point there. Unemployment does leave a lot of time for side projects, such as blogging. But I have been spending a good amount of time on legitimate pursuits, such as the job search.

And I'm happy to report that this week has (so far) brought calls from three different companies, each interested in bringing me in for interviews. Time to get the suit dry cleaned!

The three companies are totally different from one another, all in different industries. But I'm optimistic that this round of interviews could lead to a job offer or two. And although the Connecticut job is still very much a possibility, I'd much rather be weighing that option against offers in our neck of the woods. It would feel much better to have a choice of whether to relocate or not, with viable options on either side of the equation.

Non-sequitur alert...
1. Trick-or-treaters seemed to end around 8pm. Probably got 20-something kids, leaving plenty of 3 Musketeers bars that never got passed out. (That's 20-something as a quantity, not an age)
2. Had our annual furnace inspection today, and they detected trace amounts of carbon monoxide. That's not the kind of thing you want to hear. It's an 18 year old system and may be due for replacement. That sort of thing is easier to pay for when one is gainfully employed... (so it wasn't a non-sequitur after all!)

*The missus has been prevailing upon me to limit the usage of vulgarities, to prevent the sort of situation that occurred with the baby in Meet the Fokkers. So just in case Seth reads this, he shouldn't be scarred by the use of dirty words. After all, there are plenty of other reasons for him to be scarred by what he reads in this blog.


Stephanie said...

What does the "missus" qualify as a vulgarity? For example, do you have to discontinue the use of your much loved and oft uttered "butt-munch"? I just can't imagine you speaking without the occasional butt-munch....

But you have a carbon monoxide detector? You should REALLY get one. It could save your butt-munchin' life. Also, I'm not sure I'd be advertising the deficiencies of my furnace online if I might be trying to sell my house sometime soon.

Flipper said...

We've got 3 CO detectors. We had an older one, and bought 2 new ones so we can have one on each level of the house.

One of them also detects natural gas and propane, in case the stove, furnace or water heater spring a gas leak.