Monday, October 1, 2007

Busy Weekend!

The Boy had a very nice weekend. Grandma & Grandpa (NJ side) were in town.

Seth was very happy and fun all weekend. He got so excited about his new firetruck, in fact, that he walked his first steps! He's been cruising for a while now (that's walking while using a table or other object for balance), and Saturday afternoon he cruised to the edge of one toy and took a couple of steps to reach the next one. It seems redundant to call them baby steps, but that's a good description. A couple of small steps, unsupported. We all responded by clapping and cheering, which might have confused him a little.

On Sunday, we took him to the zoo. He definitely "got it" more than his last zoo visit a month ago - he was interested in watching the animals this time. He had great face-to-face moments with a black-footed ferret and an orang utan. (According to the National Zoo, that's the preferred spelling nowadays.)

He's back at school today. Most of the kids in his classroom are walking, so he'll hopefully pick it up pretty quickly.

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