Monday, June 9, 2008


Now that Hil's out of the race, the media's beat-a-topic-to-death du jour seems to be all about whether or not she was impacted by the "glass ceiling". I admit, I've never been much of a fan of this term. After all, isn't that just a skylight? (In the same way that "mirror" is a fancy city word for reversifyin' glass.)

So let's just put it out there. NO, no, a thousand times no, Hillary was not held back by the architectural oddity known as a glass ceiling. The fact that she was a woman hampered her candidacy no more than the fact that Obama is a black man with a funny name aided his. If she'd been the charismatic orator with the more clever campaign staff, she'd be the nominee.

The glass ceiling phenomenon does still exist in terms of pay inequalities between men and women. I suspect this is largely because of vestigial subconscious bigotry more than overt chauvinism. But when presented with a simple, fully transparent choice between two candidates, most rational human beings aren't voting based on what's between the candidate's legs. (for some, an intern... sorry, couldn't resist)

And keep in mind - we started this thing months ago with over half a dozen viable candidates. And all the white males ended up on the sidelines.

Interesting side note - the causes of Civil Rights and Women's Rights have historically had a loose linkage in terms of historical progression. How remarkable is the manner in which they've converged in this primary. It's as if the two were never really separate causes, but rather just an evolutionary enlightenment by white European males that hey, maybe we're not the only ones capable of intelligence.

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