Thursday, September 6, 2007

Unemployed! (Finally!)

This, dear reader, is the last entry I will type from the keyboard of my Compaq laptop. You see, it doesn't actually belong to me: it belongs to my former employer. And today is the day that "my employer" becomes "my former employer".

In an hour or so, I'll be in the office for a final time, to hand in my laptop, cell phone, and ID badge. No tearful goodbyes, no montage of cheesey memories from cubicle 940B. In fact, the thing I'll probably miss most is this very laptop computer, since I'll now be relegated to our desktop in the disaster of a room that we call our office. No more working in the sunroom on nice mornings; from now on I'll be emplanted in a sticky cheap leatherette desk chair. Maybe I'll buy one of those $500 fancy breathable mesh chairs. Oh, wait, unemployed. Right. So I should probably hold off on the big ticket items for a while.

There are several irons in the fire, so to speak. So hopefully the unemployment tag may not be around for long. I had better find a job soon, before I get too comfortable with the retired lifestyle.

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