Thursday, August 30, 2007

Job search update

Kudos to Daniel, who figured out that I wasn't going to post any more entries until somebody solved the 0.00 ERA challenge.

Okay, that's not exactly true - I've just been lazy.

Here's the update on the job search. Exactly one week from today, my former employer will officially cut me loose. This means a number of things: I no longer have an office to go to (given, I haven't been there in a month anyway); I will have to update this blog from our desktop computer after turning in my laptop; I will be back to having only one cell phone - and a very old one at that; I'll need to sign up for COBRA insurance (fortunately, still at the company-subsidised rate); and I'll be collecting severance. Oh, and I get to start saying I'm unemployed.

There are some hot leads right now that might develop into something. This morning, I had a very good interview with a tech/telecom firm. I'm still talking to a large hotelier, and I'm plugged into a couple of staffing/temp agencies. And Stephanie's sister, who has awesome initials, is also sending my resume to her old boss, which could potentially lead to a job within a few miles of home.

I'll keep you posted. If I had to guess, I'd say that the optimistic picture has me getting a job offer by the end of September, and probably ending up with a moderately lengthy commute. Anything under an hour is very reasonable by DC standards, so I probably can't complain.

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