Monday, November 26, 2007

So much to share!

Here's the laundry list of stuff I should write about for the blog. I'll try to cover each topic with its own post, but you can hold me to this list if I forget any.
  • Job Search update - Connecticut is out of the running! But local options are looking good.
  • Seth turns 1 tomorrow!
  • Everyone in town for Thanksgiving, lots of family, lots of fun, lots of food.
  • Seth came within a week of getting through his first year of life without significant illness, but then...
You can also use the comments on this post to request updates on anything else I haven't covered in a while.

And just for fun, here's a list of the sugary items that have entered our house in the last month:
1. Several pounds of remaining Halloween candy
2. Homemade pumpkin and pecan pies (now finished)
3. 2 Way-too-big fruit platters, leftovers of which are in the fridge
4. A famous chocolate shavings cake from New Jersey
5. Assorted cookies and rugelach that also made the trip from New Jersey
6. A lot of extra birthday cake
7. Several cans and bottles of soda, leftover from the week's events
Having a sweet tooth, I can honestly say I'm probably more at risk of Type 2 Diabetes now than at any previous time in my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I did what I could to help dent the sugar supply, and would have done more if there had been leftover pie. I would comment, however, that the rugelach was as or more worthy of being "famous" as the chocolate shaving cake.