Following up on a previous news item...
The two rock-solid leaders on the 2008 Atlanta Braves were shipped off together to DisabledLand today in a symbolic move intended to quelch any remaining hope within the hearts of Braves fans that their team might pull off a late-season comeback. To drive home the point, GM Frank Wren cracked a genuine Native American tomahawk over his knee, then impaled a geniune Native American on the splintered remains, all the while muttering something about "rebuilding".
In the history of baseball, has there ever been a more depressing roster move than "Chipper and Hudson to the DL, making room to call up Morton & Sammons"?
The two rock-solid leaders on the 2008 Atlanta Braves were shipped off together to DisabledLand today in a symbolic move intended to quelch any remaining hope within the hearts of Braves fans that their team might pull off a late-season comeback. To drive home the point, GM Frank Wren cracked a genuine Native American tomahawk over his knee, then impaled a geniune Native American on the splintered remains, all the while muttering something about "rebuilding".
In the history of baseball, has there ever been a more depressing roster move than "Chipper and Hudson to the DL, making room to call up Morton & Sammons"?